Summit is an insecticide containing Spinetoram, which is used to control pests and insects in various crops. Its compatibility with other chemicals is very good.
Technical Content:
Spinetoram 11.7 % SC
Features and Benefits:
Broad spectrum insecticide.
Effective against pests and insects.
Provides long-lasting control.
Easy to use and apply.
Improves crop quality.
Increases crop yield.
Mode of Action:
Summit insecticide affects nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors on postsynaptic membranes in insect nervous systems. This action causes abnormal neural transmission in insects.
0.5- 1ml/liter of water (or) 180ml/acre
Suitable Crops:
Major crops are cash crops- Tobacco, Cotton, soybean, and Chilli
Target Insects/pests:
Tobacco Caterpillars, Lepidopteran insects, Spotted Bollworms, Fruit Borer, Thrips.